Our dark honey is definitely richer in flavor. It has a deep flavor from the pollen. The golden honey is light and sweet in flavor, like you’d expect from normal honey. But I’ve long suspected and wondered if that deep honey just didn’t have more “stuff” in it, thus making it more nutritional, healthful, and healing.
Turns out research confirms this:
“Raw honey in general has lots of health benefits. Raw honey is naturally antimicrobial, and contains minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. Studies have also shown that some raw honey contains Lactobacillus probiotics (Shin H.S, 2005). However, darker honeys have been shown to contain higher amounts of these antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes. Lighter honeys have been recorded to contain about a 0.04% mineral content, when some darker honeys have been recorded to contain closer to 0.20% (Solayman, Md, 2015). Research seems to conclude that the minerals and antioxidants found in honey have a positive correlation, meaning darker honey has higher amounts of both. Minerals found in honey come from the environment and soil, and then into the plants that bees pollinate. Trace minerals are important to human health, and are needed for body function. Antioxidants are important to our health because they help our bodies fight free radicals, which can cause harm if they become too prevalent in our bodies. Antioxidants prevalent in higher concentrations in darker honeys include flavonoids, phenolic acids, and enzymes. Antioxidant and mineral content found in honey can be tested by measuring the electrical conductivity of a honey sample.” (from saratogateaandhoney.com)
Either way, you can’t go wrong. We uphold all our honey to the highest of standards and that is why we call it the GOLD STANDARD. Try a jar and let us know what you think!